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H-1B स्पेशलिटी ऑक्यूपेशन एक्सपर्ट ओपिनियन लेटर

*कभी-कभी इसे H-1B विशेषज्ञ पत्र या विशेष व्यवसाय पत्र कहा जाता है

What is an EB-1 or EB-2 NIW Professional Plan?

An EB-1 or EB-2 NIW Professional Plan from ProfVal details your credentials as they relate to your endeavor, why you are uniquely positioned to succeed, and addresses the implications of your endeavor based on the requirements of your visa petition. 

ProfVals's approach to developing Professional Plans was developed after reviewing and providing supporting documentation for thousands of EB-1 and EB-2 NIW RFEs in support of hundreds of law firms. Our team’s proprietary Professional Plans are built based on a foundation of research that, over years of iterations based on law firm feedback, has become the best in our industry. 

Review our approach by reviewing our free EB-2 NIW Professional Plan template on our blog.

हम आप्रवासन वकीलों से प्यार करते हैं: प्रोफ़ेवल के साथ काम करने से आपकी टीम अपना समय वहां केंद्रित कर सकती है जहां यह सबसे अधिक मायने रखता है... आपकी कानूनी विशेषज्ञता और समर्थन।

अनुभवी लेखकों और विशेषज्ञों की हमारी टीम निम्नलिखित के माध्यम से एक प्रभावी याचिका प्रस्तुत करने में आपकी सहायता कर सकती है:

  • आप्रवासन फिर से शुरू

  • समर्थन पत्र

  • व्यावसायिक या व्यावसायिक योजनाएँ

  • विशेषज्ञ राय पत्र

सभी कानून फर्म हमारी सेवाओं पर 4% छूट के लिए पात्र हैं।

Review an anonymized example of an Immigration Professional Plan 

ProfVal's Professional Plan Approach

EB-1 Professional Plan

ProfVal’s talented writers and editors will craft a comprehensive and compelling narrative of your credentials and endeavor that aligns with your visa and vision.  Attorneys tell us that some of the key distinguishing factor between a ProfVal plan and our competitors relate to:

  • Customization that makes your professional story stand out

  • An organized narrative that helps your USCIS reader identify with you and understand how your credentials are distinctively impressive

  • A combination of proprietary and publicly available research information aligned to your endeavor

Review the chart below to understand how we work with you to create your Professional Plan.


ProfVal’s EB-1 Professional Plans outline your extraordinary accomplishments in alignment with your extraordinary ability (EB-1A) or outstanding research acumen (EB-1B). It is less common for multinational executives to require a professional plan (EB-1C), but we can help for those as well.

Each plan represents a comprehensive discussion of your credentials, an industry analysis, and past successes in your field.  Building from this, we use your inputs to craft a discussion of your future endeavors within the United States.  Depending on the preferences of your attorney, we can also include a discussion of National Importance research based on our EB-2 approach.

EB-1 Professional Plan Content

  • Table of Contents to locate key information.

  • Executive Summary, providing at-a-glance overview of your plans aligned to the EB-1 criteria.

  • Experience Overview adapted from information shared with our team.

  • Industry Analysis accessible to non-specialist readers.

  • Petitioner’s Credentials, organized by EB-1 criteria.

  • Analysis of National Importance based on EB-2 NIW criteria (if desired)

EB-2 NIW Professional Plans

Related Service

​ProfVal’s EB-2 NIW Professional Plans provide a comprehensive narrative of your key credentials,  their relevance to your industry,  and how they position you to succeed in ways aligned with the national interests of the United States.  Attorneys will appreciate that each plan links to the prongs of Dhanasar, the precedent that defines the National Interest Waiver (NIW) requirements of the EB-2 NIW.


​EB-2 NIW Professional Plan Content


  • Table of Contents to locate key information.

  • Executive Summary, providing at-a-glance overview of your plans aligned to the EB-2 and NIW criteria.

  • Endeavor Details adapted from information shared with our team.

  • Industry Analysis accessible to non-specialist readers using both public and proprietary data

  • Petitioner’s Credentials, organized by EB-2 criteria.

  • Analysis of National Importance and other National Interest Waiver considerations.

In addition to our Professional and Business Plan services, ProfVal provides a range of other services to help you move forward in your endeavor:

हमारी मुख्य सेवाएँ

See our professional plan and business highlights below

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पोस्ट प्रकाशित होने के बाद, आप उन्हें यहाँ देख सकेंगे।
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