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H-1B 專業職業專家意見書

*有時稱為 H-1B 專家信函或專業職業信函

我们超过 95% 的客户与回头客律师事务所有联系



Expert Qualifications - meet one or more of the following:

  1. Terminal Degree & tenure-track faculty position at a U.S. university (PhD, MD, EdD, DO, DSc, DSW, CPA, etc.) and a faculty role.  In most cases, this requires that the expert has 3+ peer-reviewed publications.

  2. A major international award such as a: Nobel Prize, Pulitzer, Olympic Medal, or award of similar prestige.

  3. ​Leadership role at the VP, Director, C-Suite, or comparable within a public company. Executives within private companies can be considered if the individual meets the requirements shown in point #

4. A bachelor's degree along with at least two of the following:

  • 10+ years of experience

  • A national or international award

  • A license to practice in your profession

  • Membership or leadership in a professional association

  • Scholarship in your field

  • Evidence of your: commercial, professional, artistic, or athletic success

  • Leadership role in a business or nonprofit

  • Evidence of material published about you for your success or contributions

  • Recognition from your industry for your achievements

  • Other evidence of your expertise within your field

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